Introducing Appreciation in Namely

Feeling valued for one’s work is at the core of any employee’s decision to stay or leave. In fact, underappreciation can account for nearly half of overall employee unhappiness, according to a recent study by Accenture

At Namely’s second hackathon, one team sought to leverage our platform’s existing @mentions feature to address that problem. Bunkering down for 24 hours, distraction-free, they designed and built a way to inspire employee recognition on Namely. 

Now, as a result of their vision and hard work, Namely has launched Appreciation. By using @mentions, employees can now publicly call out their peers for a job well done—right on the company social feed. From successfully meeting a big deadline to just being an all-around great teammate, the opportunities to share moments of appreciation are endless.

In addition to being visible to the rest of the company, each appreciation becomes tied to the recipient’s employee profile. Because everything is logged, managers have a full account of what shoutouts their direct reports received when it comes time for performance reviews, helping them overcome “recency bias” when writing evaluations. For a bigger picture, administrators can even report on appreciation across the entire company.

Who are we appreciating first at Namely? The team that helped bring this idea to life. Of course, as Hackathon winners, we gave them an oversized cardboard check, too. 

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