Namely Introduces Managed Services

People are the heart of every successful business. They’re the ones who come up with innovative ideas, act as strategic thinkers, and work tirelessly to take businesses to the next level.

And HR’s job is to support those people. But for many small and mid-sized companies, HR administration and compliance take up so much time that strategy gets pushed to the back burner.

At Namely, we’ve spent the past five years building an all-in-one platform that streamlines HR, payroll, benefits, and time management. While our platform relies on powerful technology, we’ve always invested in our customer success team and partnered closely with our clients. It’s this dual commitment to technology and human support that makes us proud to announce our newest offering: Managed Services.

What is Managed Services? 

Managed Services is a new—and deeper—way Namely is partnering with our clients.

Wish you didn’t have to worry about administrative HR tasks, providing HR support to your employees, or defining the best HR strategies for your unique company culture?

Those are all areas that we’re passionate about at Namely, and now our team of experts will handle these things for you. From payroll to benefits administration, our Managed Services team will take care of the essentials.

If you’re a small business with limited HR resources, we’ll help you grow and fill this vital function on your team. If you’re a mid-sized business and your HR team is being pulled in too many directions, we’ll handle core HR—freeing you up to focus on the things you truly care about: hiring great people strong company culture.

Managed Services is not a PEO. It’s a partnership, in which we’re dedicated to helping your people and company thrive. Visit our Managed Services page for all the details on the offering.

A Time-Saver for Companies...

While HR has become an increasingly strategic role, many professionals still find their calendars chock-full of administrative tasks.

The Center for Effective Organizations at USC has spent years studying how HR professionals allocate their time. Most notably, after tracking time spent over a 15-year window (from 1995-2010), they haven’t seen a significant shift from admin tasks to strategy. HR consistently spends at least 25% of time on record keeping and auditing, 50% on providing HR administration services, and only 25% on strategic planning.

Managed Services touches all of these areas, but it primarily tackles the combined 75% of time HR folks spend on the basics. That’s why it empowers you to scale your HR programs, whether or not you’re ready to scale your HR team.

...and a Delight for Employees

For employees, HR is often something humming along in the background. When it goes well, you might not hear much praise. But if something goes wrong—like a paycheck error or benefits question—HR is understandably the first stop for employees.

As you scale, it can be hard to handle an increasing number of employee questions. That’s why one of our favorite parts of Managed Services is our employee service center. Our HR experts will be available via phone and email to answer employee questions (think name changes, W-2s, paystubs).

Growing Together

To date, we’ve seen a common trend with the companies Namely serves: they’re growing quickly. Managed Services is meant to enable that growth with a solid HR foundation. For companies who previously thought they may be “too small” for Namely, Managed Services allows you to start using the platform earlier and grow on Namely.

It takes technology and people working together to create a better workplace for your employees, and we now offer deeper, more personal service than ever before. We can’t wait to see what you and your people achieve.

To learn more about Managed Services, check out the details and schedule a demo today. 

Group Wateringflowers

See how Namely's flexible solution will help you streamline your HR processes by having your people, payroll, and benefits info all in on place.

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